Sunday, May 22, 2005

angelix's quiz of 10 (un)orthodox ways to find out if your life has changed.. in a certain manner.

1) when talking to friends u adopt unknowingly an at ease position. otherwise known as sir nan di ri. there exist a tendency to look straight ahead despite area happenings, eyes fixated to the front, as though some mythical enchantment befell. move at your own peril.

2) you keep staring at your watch. by some force majeur, your watch in all its fanciness, seems to command your gaze upon it ever so often, akin to that of a snake charmer. u like to keep track of the time, and even more so indulge in complaining about how it goes by without u knowing it.

3) u find that hair is such a beautiful part of the human body. ahh yes, those wavy little black strands swaying to the gush of the wind, coloured or tinted strands are even more appealing. first think about your own funky hairstyle, then feel green with envy.

4) water is good. you drink as much as possible and as often as possible. when u start wishing for a cup of water every half hour or so, you know you've had it. withdrawal symptoms include a dry throat and uneasy shifting, all these within an hour or so. think camel.

5) you honestly and seriously look forward to weekends. a lot. a whole lot. never before has those 2 days beckoned with such open and receiving arms, yet sadly enough, these 48 hours go by like sand thru an hourglass, and the entire cycle begins again. vicious. very.

6) fit fit fit! walking down orch road doesnt seem that tiring after all. in fact u feel good that u did those lazy legs some physical justice. covering points from lido to cine doesnt seem that much a chore anymore, in fact u feel so light-footed it seems like u're picking up the pace with those home comfy shoes. next poster person for nike airwalk eh?

7) sitting down becomes a luxury. what more can be said? nothing beats lying in the comfort of a cushioned chair with fitting armrests, with your back superimposed in a 45 degree manner. take a sip of iced tea coupled with a reassuring bag of hershey chocs and u're on the way to man-made uninterrupted bliss. hugging your favourite pillow would be the last straw.

8) u find looking at naked guys bathing normal. no dont show me those fuzzy eyebrows. when u have to queue up to shower, u cant possibly close your eyes all the time. so there. n-o-r-m-a-l. at least for some. ah hem.

9) vulgarities are but mere adjectives to sentences. stretch your vocab, so they say. if almost every sentence u hear requires some sort of censorship containment, perhaps a routine check on the social environment you are currently abiding in should be carried out. while u're at it, try correcting the people who spew these linguistic degrading sentences in rapid succession, instilling in them the importance of keeping conversation on morally healthy grounds. disillusionx will bear no part of the consequences though. =)

10) you've fired guns, thrown grenades, crawled under live fire, survived the cruel jungle warfare, hopped gingerly over barbed wire, dugged trenches, became mosquito food and pitched tents within the last few months. this kinda sums it all up. either u're into guerilla daydreaming, or your life has undergone an epic mutation. evolution of lifestyles.. nice.

so there you are. how did you score?? interestingly enough, u'll either score full marks or none for this. and i got.. *drumroll*... full marks. damn.


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